023 How to Have an Adventure, Anytime, Anywhere

023 How to Have an Adventure, Anytime, Anywhere

How to Have an Adventure, Anytime, Anywhere Zufall and how we developed our spontaneous mindset. http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/023_Adventure_Anytime_Anywhere.mp3   Adventure doesn’t have to involve putting your life at risk – you can have...
Guest Blog: Random & Spontaneous Drive = Magic

Guest Blog: Random & Spontaneous Drive = Magic

We love to hear from people who are using spontaneity to change up the routines of life because, let’s face it, you gotta shake it up every once in a while!  Like when you’re facing a normal night at home and instead spontaneously turn it into a date night...
Fix Your Relationship Rut with Spontaneity

Fix Your Relationship Rut with Spontaneity

Escape the Relationship Rut. It happens to every couple. Things get a little too comfortable.  And, before you know it, it’s the same old, same old every night.  Some people call this finding your couple groove, but given that a lack of spontaneity was the number one...