028 How to be Unmistakable feat. Srini Rao

028 How to be Unmistakable feat. Srini Rao

How to be Unmistakable feat. Srini Rao Surfing, Sharks, and Starting http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/028_Unmistakable_Creative_Srini_Rao.mp3   What does it take to be unmistakable? That question has lead Srini Rao to develop a best-selling book, top...
013 How Advertisers Use Spontaneity to Get You To Buy

013 How Advertisers Use Spontaneity to Get You To Buy

How Advertisers Use Spontaneity to Get You To Buy The good, the bad and the oops of spontaneity in commercials. http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/013-Advertising_Lyranda_Travis.mp3   Have you ever noticed how many ads feature spontaneous people? For years,...
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