How Advertisers Use Spontaneity to Get You To Buy

The good, the bad and the oops of spontaneity in commercials.


Have you ever noticed how many ads feature spontaneous people? For years, advertisers have been using your desire for spontaneity to sell you everything from beers to cars to hair dye to tampons (yes, tampons).

With our particular passion for spontaneity, this has been on our radar for years. So, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to bring it up when we got together for drinks with our friends who also happen to be award winning creative directors. (Yep, that’s right, invite us over for a drink and you run the risk that we’ll show up with a microphone.)

Lyranda Martin-Evans and Travis Cowdy are co-creative directors at DentsuBos based in Toronto, Ontario. Right away, they were able to name off products that have used spontaneity as a brand trait. They even shared how one brand discovered that spontaneity can be a double edged sword if you aren’t careful about the messaging around it. In this podcasts, they share their insights into why so many brands want to appear to deliver spontaneity into your life.

Plus, they take the conversation to the realm of social media – where spontaneity should rule supreme. They explain how some brands get it wrong by not respecting the spontaneous opportunities that social media affords.

Thanks to Lyranda and Travis for sharing their ideas and a few secret ways that they use spontaneity to come up with their award winning ideas. It was a real treat for us to sit down with them and drink in their spontaneous spirit (not to mention their wine).

What do you think about how advertisers use spontaneity to sell you products? Do those unpredictably whimsical couples driving cars off road or the super-fun night friends drinking beer make you want to buy their brand of spontaneity?  Tell us your favourite ad featuring spontaneity and which one was a total misfit – share your ideas on our Facebook page.

By the way, we mentioned in the podcast that Lyranda is also a best-selling author for her book Reasons Mommy Drinks. It’s hilarious even for us folks who don’t have kids and it makes a great gift (especially for new moms with a sense of humour).  
Here’s a link for you: Reasons Mommy Drinks

And, while we’d love to take credit for noticing spontaneity in advertising, we’re simply not the first.  Here are some great books about advertising and spontaneity in case this podcast sparked something in you.

Hidden Persuasion: 33 Psychological Influences Techniques in Advertising

Seducing the Subconscious: The Psychology of Emotional Influence in Advertising

Consumerology, New Edition: The Truth about Consumers and the Psychology of Shopping

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