Exercise Your Spontaneity Muscle.
We created the Spontaneity Sparkers as a way to help you keep that spontaneity muscle toned up. You may have encountered Spontaneity Sparkers in our newsletter, in our social media or even at the end of one of our podcasts or blogs. These short little exercises can be used to bring you back to the moment, get you out of a thought rut, start a conversation, get your creative juices flowing and of course, inspire spontaneity.
After we’d shared a few of these, we got some really great feedback – both positive and, well – not negative more like confused. One such comment was, “It didn’t work for me.” We thought that was a pretty interesting. It got us talking more about these as part of our way to help people be more spontaneous. We realized that they were expecting results. Much like the Zufall Dice, you have to be in it for the process; it’s all about the journey. Focus on giving yourself over to a spontaneous thought or moment and allowing that to be what it is.
Being able to tap into spontaneity requires a bit of maintenance. If we want to be better at reacting in the moment, saying yes to opportunities, having more fun and being present in our lives then we need to practice it a bit. The good news is, practicing is fun and it doesn’t have to take much time.
The Spontaneity Sparkers are all geared toward changing your perspective, giving you a new idea or showing you a new way to look at and interact with the world. What you make of that is totally up to you. Sometimes, you might just think of something you haven’t thought of in a while or see something in a new light. But, you might also be inspired to a whole new idea or way of thinking. These exercises aren’t magical, but sometimes magic happens.
The more you do, the more you get a chance to see what’s possible. For those of you just starting out with these (or struggling), here are few tips for making the most of Spontaneity Sparkers:
- Let Go of Expectations. Don’t try to predetermine what you’ll find or get out of each exercise -just try to stay present and experience it.
- Let Go of Judgement. Allow yourself to be free of judgement in these – whatever comes up for you is simply what comes up. It’s not right or wrong and you certainly did not do it wrong!
- Have Fun. Play with these ideas. Do them more than once because each time will be different.
- Share. Head over to our Facebook page and share what you discovered or what you experienced. See what others got out of it – you’d be amazed at how different it can be for everyone.
- Challenge. Use these to challenge yourself and others to stay spontaneous. If you’re stuck (at work, in love or anywhere) try an exercise just to change the tack.
We hope this helps you get the full benefits out of our Spontaneity Sparkers. We’d love to hear how you’re flexing your spontaneity muscles!