The Mindfulness Spontaneity Connection

What’s the similarity between meditating and being spontaneous.


Most of the time when we tell people that there is a close connection between mindfulness and spontaneity they look at us like we’re trying to convince them that aliens are among us. Fine. If you don’t want to believe us (about the mindfulness spontaneity connection) we’ll bring in an expert!

Courtney Sunday is a mindfulness expert who writes about the topic for publications including USA Today, Mind Body Green and Elephant Journal. She’s also a meditation and yoga instructor who runs combined retreats in beautiful places.

Because we wanted to get to the bottom of this mystery – what’s the connection? – we dove right in to find out exactly what mindfulness is (and how it’s different from meditation), why it’s so important and what similarities she sees with spontaneity. It didn’t take long for us to start to see the many cross-overs between the two premises.  

And, because we treat spontaneity as a mindset (as opposed to an action) the direct links were even easier to demonstrate. So, if you still don’t believe us after this podcast, well… tell us why! Plus, we want to see the fruits of your mindfulness inspired Spontaneity Sparker – dish it up!

We love to hear from you. Connect with us on Facebook Page or on Twitter. We love to hear from The Spontaneous.

If you’re having trouble keeping up with your desire to be more spontaneous, sign up for our newsletter and we’ll be happy to send along some gentle reminders. We all need a nudge once in awhile and remember – it doesn’t always have to be epic, it just takes a sprinkle of spontaneity to help happiness happen.

Special thanks to our guest Courtney Sunday for blowing our minds(fulness). To connect with her, get a free meditation or enjoy one of her mindfulness and yoga retreats visit:

And, here is the video we shot with her trying to convince people to participate in a little spontaneous mindfulness.


Copyright tuja wellness

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