Is Spontaneity Just Plain Rude?

Dealing with inconsiderate people masquerading as spontaneous.


A Be More Spontaneous listener sent us a note about an experience she had with some inconsiderate family members. They like to blame spontaneity for a whole lot of rude behaviour. They’re giving spontaneity a bad name, and we can’t stand for that.

In this podcast, we out their rude ways, share her story and look at the very real problem of ‘spontaneity gone wrong’. Where is the line between responsible (good) spontaneity and the dark side of spontaneity where rude, inconsiderate, selfish people reside? How do you make sure you don’t cross that line?

We also question if some people are scapegoating spontaneity by blaming it for behaviour they know full well is unacceptable. Oh, it makes our blood boil! To make sure you don’t cross the line or develop a spontaneity bad habit we give you tips for keep your spontaneity far, far away from the dark side. Don’t miss our 5 essential tips for responsible spontaneity.

And, just for fun – we play a little game of RUDE OR SPONTANEOUS! See how our contestants do and find out how you can use this fun game to spark an interesting conversation with your loved ones (so they don’t end up writing to podcast shows about your horrendous behaviour!)

Thanks to our listener, [name-withheld] for raising the issue and sharing her atrocious experience. And, thanks for knowing that not all spontaneous people are like this!

We love to get email and would love to hear from you too. Have you had a borderline rude experience under the decorative veil of spontaneity? Have you ever dabbled in the dark arts of using spontaneity as an excuse? Your confessions, stories and opinions are all welcome!

Share it all with us on our Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter. Or, get in touch with us directly using the contact form.

Rude Kangaroo Photo Credit – Tambako the Jaguar via Flickr Creative Commons

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