021 Get Uncomfortable – Bust Out of Your Comfort Zone

021 Get Uncomfortable – Bust Out of Your Comfort Zone

Get Uncomfortable - Bust Out of Your Comfort Zone Why and how to get out of your comfort zone. http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/021_Get_Uncomfortable.mp3   Let’s face it, comfort zones are well, comfortable but there are plenty of reasons to step outside of...
000 Introducing the Be More Spontaneous Podcast

000 Introducing the Be More Spontaneous Podcast

Why Listen to the Be More Spontaneous Podcast? Who are these fools, what makes them spontaneity experts and why should I listen to them? Listen to find out. http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/000-TimandVal_Introduction.mp3   What the heck is the Be More...
How Spontaneity Leads to a Better You

How Spontaneity Leads to a Better You

Why is Personal Development So Much Work? Personal development, self-improvement, personal growth – there are plenty of labels for trying to be the best you you can be. But why is it that it always seems like so much work? Is it because without the work it might...
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