Hanging with friends, family or even rockin’ it solo, invite spontaneity along and make your play time unforgettable.
How Spontaneous Are You?
Take the Spontaneity Quotient Quiz! How Spontaneous Are You? Discover Your Spontaneity Quotient Spontaneously Challenged Spontaneity scares the pants of you. Your fear of the unknown and unplanned is stopping you from embracing opportunities and creating amazing...
Party Games for Adults
Party Games Aren't Just for Kids. Are all of your parties starting to feel the same? Why not ratchet up the fun with a few old school party games. Our parents did it (and our grandparents did it) because party games are a great way to break the ice and get people...
Recapture Your Spontaneity & Enthusiasm
A thought-provoking TEDtalk by Andre Stern at TEDx Dijon about children’s spontaneous disposition for play got us thinking about how in touch we are with our sense of play, enthusiasm and spontaneity. Recapturing that disposition, or a little portion of it, appears to be a good way to grow, learn and be happier. We’ve even got a fun way to help you reconnect with your childlike enthusiasm and sense of wonder.
Why Spontaneous People Have More Fun
Invite Spontaneity and Let the Fun Times Roll. It's no surprise that we think spontaneity makes life more fun - isn't that what everyone thinks? The thing is, we're not talking about playing hooky, shirking your responsibilities or doing things that could land you in...