Invite Spontaneity and Let the Fun Times Roll.

It’s no surprise that we think spontaneity makes life more fun – isn’t that what everyone thinks? The thing is, we’re not talking about playing hooky, shirking your responsibilities or doing things that could land you in a lot of trouble. When we say be more spontaneous at play, we mean in a responsible and respectful way.

Does it seem like we just put a wet blanket on your dream of a spectacularly spontaneous life? Here’s the thing – there’s a reason you’re not living that life. It’s not sustainable and, frankly, it doesn’t pay very well. So, for those of us who aren’t independently wealthy, we’re going to reveal in Play section of the website how little sprinkles of spontaneity in your playtime can give you the spontaneity of your dreams – without the job-loss, divorce and jail-time.

Now if you don’t have dreams of a spontaneous life (or if you have a total aversion to spontaneity) we can’t wait to get our hands on you. We are living proof that spontaneous people have more fun. By being spontaneous, we’ve said yes to some pretty great out-of-the-blue invitations, we’ve been able to turn pretty boring (even dire) situations into a party and we’ve thrown some pretty epic shindigs. Maybe the most important reason that we love to be spontaneous in our playtime is that it puts us smack dab in the middle of the moment.  Practicing spontaneity helps us stay present, let go of expectations and that leads to being just straight up happier. 🙂

So, come on out and play. We promise not to turn you into a penniless wandering nomad but we won’t promise you don’t start dreaming of winning the lottery so you can become one!


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