020 Stop Travel Planning feat. William D. Chalmers

020 Stop Travel Planning feat. William D. Chalmers

Stop Travel Planning feat. William D. Chalmers Professional traveler shares the profound effect of leaving the guide books behind. http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/020_Global_Scavenger_Hunt_William_Chalmers.mp3   What would you say to three week...
Travel by Chance: How to Zufall

Travel by Chance: How to Zufall

Feeling Adventurous? Let’s Zufall! If you’ve been listening to our podcast at all you know we usually give a shout out to Zufall.  Zufall is a randomizing travel tool that we developed early in our relationships and was the bud of our blossoming affair...
Fix Your Relationship Rut with Spontaneity

Fix Your Relationship Rut with Spontaneity

Escape the Relationship Rut. It happens to every couple. Things get a little too comfortable.  And, before you know it, it’s the same old, same old every night.  Some people call this finding your couple groove, but given that a lack of spontaneity was the number one...