Escape the Relationship Rut.

It happens to every couple. Things get a little too comfortable.  And, before you know it, it’s the same old, same old every night.  Some people call this finding your couple groove, but given that a lack of spontaneity was the number one complaint of 3000 couple in a 2010 study, that groove could turn into an unhappy rut. Not enough spontaneity could be the beginning of the end of your relationship.

So, how do you spark spontaneity? You have to let go of the routine (and expectations while you are at it) and take a few risks. Leave things to chance and see what develops. Be like an improv player and say yes instead of no to new ideas. Become an romance adventurer.

If the old spontaneity muscle is feeling atrophied and the date-idea well has run dry, try a few tricks to get things going.

  • Pick a random word on a page (any page) and let that be the night’s theme.
  • Head to Yelp or your local  online restaurant listing, blindly scroll and dine wherever your mouse stopped.
  • Do anything that resembles the notion of throwing a dart at a map – like a finger landing on your city map.
  • Each pick a number, add them up and go that many subway or bus stops.
  • Blindly flip through the Kama Sutra for the starter sex position if you’re feeling risque.

And, if you think all of those ideas seem too hokey, how about leaving date night to the dice? A roll of the Zufall dice (original or the App) will tell you where your date will take place by selecting how far you’ll travel and in which direction. The app uses a GPS map to show you a random area to head and once you’re there it will also tell you what’s nearby. You might end up at a new restaurant, at the door of a bowling lane or at a never-noticed-it-before club. Wherever the dice lead you it definitely won’t be back into your relationship rut. Roll once or keep the night going with additional rolls. The dice can even be used in the bedroom – where spontaneity really shines.

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