026 How to Be Fearless feat. Urska & Gregor Kelt

026 How to Be Fearless feat. Urska & Gregor Kelt

How to Be Fearless feat. Urska & Gregor Kelt A walking adventure fueled by the kindness of strangers. http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/026_How_to_Be_Fearless.mp3   What if there was no such thing as money? What would you do? The answer for these two...
023 How to Have an Adventure, Anytime, Anywhere

023 How to Have an Adventure, Anytime, Anywhere

How to Have an Adventure, Anytime, Anywhere Zufall and how we developed our spontaneous mindset. http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/023_Adventure_Anytime_Anywhere.mp3   Adventure doesn’t have to involve putting your life at risk – you can have...
022 Improv Your Life Feat. Vickie Eisenstein

022 Improv Your Life Feat. Vickie Eisenstein

Improv Your Life Feat. Vickie Eisenstein Taking life lessons from the stage. http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/022_Improv_Your_Life_Vickie_Eisenstein.mp3   Are we all just making it up as we go along? Yes! Nobody has a script for life and that’s why learning...
018 Why You Should be Deep Listening feat. Jennifer Swanson

018 Why You Should be Deep Listening feat. Jennifer Swanson

Why You Should be Deep Listening feat. Jennifer Swanson Escape a world where nobody listens and nobody is heard. http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/018_Deep_Listening_Jennifer_Swanson.mp3   Are you listening? Really listening? In our busy, multi-tasking world...
017 Unplan Your Time and Reduce Stress

017 Unplan Your Time and Reduce Stress

Unplan Your Time and Reduce Stress A listener tells us what happened when she started leaving room for spontaneity http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/017_Unplan_Your_Time_and_Reduce_Stress.mp3   Is your free time so scheduled it stresses you out? It’s time to...