by Tim | Dec 24, 2015 | Podcasts
How to Be Fearless feat. Urska & Gregor Kelt A walking adventure fueled by the kindness of strangers. What if there was no such thing as money? What would you do? The answer for these two...
by Tim | Dec 3, 2015 | Podcasts
How to Have an Adventure, Anytime, Anywhere Zufall and how we developed our spontaneous mindset. Adventure doesn’t have to involve putting your life at risk – you can have...
by Tim | Nov 26, 2015 | Podcasts
Improv Your Life Feat. Vickie Eisenstein Taking life lessons from the stage. Are we all just making it up as we go along? Yes! Nobody has a script for life and that’s why learning...
by Tim | Oct 29, 2015 | Podcasts
Why You Should be Deep Listening feat. Jennifer Swanson Escape a world where nobody listens and nobody is heard. Are you listening? Really listening? In our busy, multi-tasking world...
by Tim | Oct 22, 2015 | Podcasts
Unplan Your Time and Reduce Stress A listener tells us what happened when she started leaving room for spontaneity Is your free time so scheduled it stresses you out? It’s time to...