019 Why You Need to Stop Shoulding Yourself

019 Why You Need to Stop Shoulding Yourself

Why You Need to Stop Shoulding Yourself The negative trap of acting out of perceived obligation http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/019_Stop_Shoulding_Yourself.mp3   How many times a day do you say or think that you ‘should’ be doing something. That seemingly...
006 Why You Should Stop Trying

006 Why You Should Stop Trying

Why You Should Stop Trying Author Edward Slingerland on the Ancient Chinese Approach to Spontaneity http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/006-Slingerland_Stop_Trying.mp3   It turns out that we unlocked an ancient Chinese secret – living spontaneously is...
Recapture Your Spontaneity & Enthusiasm

Recapture Your Spontaneity & Enthusiasm

Children are naturally disposed to play enthusiastically. There are some surprising benefits to recapturing that spontaneous and enthusiastic disposition. We’re big fans of TED talks and every once in a while we stumble on one that speaks to our hearts. Such was...