018 Why You Should be Deep Listening feat. Jennifer Swanson

018 Why You Should be Deep Listening feat. Jennifer Swanson

Why You Should be Deep Listening feat. Jennifer Swanson Escape a world where nobody listens and nobody is heard. http://traffic.libsyn.com/bemorespontaneous/018_Deep_Listening_Jennifer_Swanson.mp3   Are you listening? Really listening? In our busy, multi-tasking world...
Stop Networking the Old Way

Stop Networking the Old Way

Let Spontaneity Lead You to Higher Caliber Networking There are a lot of people who Hate (yes, with a capital H) networking events. So, they studying up on how to ‘work’ them. They develop a game plan going in and they psych themselves up to really work...
How to Use Spontaneity to Keep the Romance Alive   

How to Use Spontaneity to Keep the Romance Alive   

More Romance and Better Relationships Through Spontaneity. Think of a romantic scene; something that screams love and romance. Maybe you pictured a surprise proposal or a romantic candle lit dinner but were you in the picture? If your relationship (or lack thereof)...
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