Customize Your Adventure
Decide if you want a Quick Roll with pre-set parameters or a Super Zufall. To get your Super Zufall Adventure started just plug in what you want to do, how you want to get there, how far you are willing to go (in distance or traveling time) and then simply eliminate any directions you don’t want to go. If this feels like too many decisions, select “I can’t decide.” It’s time to roll the dice! Shake-shake. Now…
Check the Map
The app has calculated how far you should go and in which direction. Click Check Map. You’ll see your starting marker and a marker that will track your movement. Plus, the big red Zufall Target Zone – that’s where you want to head. Once you enter the zone, the app will let you know. And then…
Find Your Adventure
If you want, you can press POI (Points of Interest) to see what businesses in the area relate to your selected type of adventure. The whole point of Zufall is to be in the moment and have an unplanned experience. Look around, see what there is to do, be spontaneous – find your adventure. What’s next?
Share Your Adventure
Once your adventure is complete, hit the Success! button. You can share your adventures with your Twitter and Facebook friends. If you’re on Android, you can share a photo too. Follow other Zufallers on Twitter with the hashtag #zufalladventure, join the Zufall Facebook page or share your Zufall story right here on this website. When it’s all over, why not Zufall again!